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South African cleaning startup,SweepSouth begins operation in Nigeria

SweepSouth, a new company in South Africa that cleans homes, has said it will start doing business in Nigeria.

SweepSouth is a web-based platform that was started in 2014 and provided on-demand house cleaning services in several towns in South Africa. After getting a lot of money, especially from Naspers, the company is actively growing in other parts of the continent.

In December, the company decided to expand into the North African nation by purchasing the Egyptian startup FilKhedma. FilKhedma is a home services marketplace that now operates in three Egyptian towns.

It has now entered Nigeria, and Awazi Angbalaga, the company’s new national manager, is in charge of operations there. She stated that for the past two months, SweepSouth had been conducting trials of its services in Nigeria, and the feedback had been positive.

Even though we have been conducting most of our service testing in this location, we have already received our first 300 bookings, and the response that we’ve obtained confirmed our hunch that Nigerians are interested in what we have to offer.

According to Angbalaga, even though we have an increasing number of appointments each week, our principal focus is to provide our customers with the highest possible level of service.



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Written by Grace Ashiru

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