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Arcadia Power, The Online Carbon Footprint Solver

TechInAfrica – Carbon footprint is greenhouse gases floating around in the atmosphere, a result of human activity. What we’re doing daily leave a bunch of carbon dioxide, and it’s one those gases that makes up the ‘pollutant’ card when there’s simply too many of them. Since they trap heat, it becomes one of the main initiators of the recurring global warming.

Some carbon footprint calculators get you on the radar of how you manage, but when you’re in need for a more practical step, Arcadia Power can be your call.

Arcadia Power ought to seek a strategy, making it easy to track on your carbon footprint, as well as reducing it on the process. To do that, your first step is to create a free account under 2 minutes, and it will give you a list of local community solar projects where you can purchase their renewable energy certificates from their wind farms, introducing you to the clean energy lifestyle.


It will also help you lower your bill rates with its Smart Rate feature. They will have you check on your area availability from your zip code and utility bill input, as well as letting you know the clean energy and savings features you can use. As you connect your login credentials to the website, you will be able to take advantage of the features.

As a low-cost, clean energy provider, it helps make the switch to clean energy almost effortlessly, as it has growing customers currently at 250,000 digits while managing to produce a 680,000 amount of clean energy. As the community grows, your impact and savings will naturally grow with it.

You can start your humble journey on Arcadia Power, connect your utility bill and in turn, receive a $20 Amazon e-gift card.


What do you think?

Written by Nabilah Safira

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