TechInAfrica – The leading software development and enterprise applications provider, Focus Softnet, has launched an Artificial Intelligence platform under the name AIFA which stands for Artificially Intelligent Futuristic Applications). The new AI platform is an advanced and automated platform aiming at improving business and productivity, as well as lower the investment in human training.
Ali Hyder, Group CEO of Focus Softnet, explained about the new AIFA during the launching event, “Businesses in the region are now ready to leverage digital technologies to improve efficiencies. Focus Softnet has developed AIFA that can be used by organizations to automate all types of functions. These could be from the front office, top executive, managerial, and back office. With CIOs and IT managers under pressure to do more with less funds, AIFA as a workforce assistant can be used across multiple departments and across multiple roles.”

With AIFA, it can provide insights and data analysis that can be used to reduce operational costs while at the same time improve services. Furthermore, AIFA also can do AI facial recognition and integrated into any Payroll and Attendance system automatically.
In terms of language, AIFA can be used in most popular languages, thus, it’s not necessary to hire additional customer service personnel who speaks foreign languages. More importantly, companies can also use it to identify certain areas that need improvement.
“We have also made significant innovations around voice recognition, allowing customers to build triggers and alerts with call to action and data embedded in them. Customers can customize these alerts as required and can create a culture of pro-activeness when they are sent and heard by recipients on the move, rather than read as text or email messages at a later time, often too late for actions,” Hyder added.

AIFA is not only capable of being a work assistant but also as a customer service customer. Companies can utilize the advanced AI platform to boost their performance significantly as well as for their big data workloads. Meanwhile, end-users can get benefits from AIFA to get information about products, services, statements, bills, the status of service requests, among others. On the other hand, top executives can use it as a data mining tool to collect the necessary information they need in any format – text, voice, and reports.