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In an effort to revolutionize cancer diagnosis, the Azur Innovation Fund has invested $1 million in Morocco’s DataPathology.

The Azur Innovation Fund, a public-private investment fund that helps finance innovative new businesses in Morocco, stays committed to helping young businesses

After investing $1.1 million (11 million Moroccan Dirhams) in PrestaFreedom, a home services platform for individuals that offers subscription-based cleaning and other services, the fund is now taking part in the funding round of another promising company called “DataPathology.” This shows that the fund is still interested in Startups with much growth potential.

They’ve done something similar by ending a $1 million (10 million DH) fundraising round. This was made possible by a partnership with Azur Innovation Fund, a private-public seed fund backed by Tamwilcom (formerly Caisse Centrale de Garantie) and managed by Azur Partners, which Tarik Haddi, an expert in fund management and investment advice, leads. This success fits in with the goals of the Innov Invest program.

DataPathology’s goal is to fix the lack of and delays in cancer diagnoses, especially in places like Africa that don’t have enough doctors. A pathologist, Hicham El-Attar, and a SI & Data consultant, Mohammed El Khannoussi, started the startup. Its goal is to give people quick and safe pathological diagnoses.

Their new method involves:

  • Doing a biopsy and preparing a tissue sample at the patient’s exam site.
  • Digitizing it.
  • Sending the digital file to the medical team for evaluation through a web platform in a way that keeps the patient’s privacy.

DataPathology has partnered with foreign players in digital health and set up Morocco’s first digital pathological diagnosis center.

They have also started talking to African countries with a lot of promise to improve how cancer is diagnosed. As part of its plans for the future, the startup wants to grow its network of labs in Morocco and Africa. They also want to improve the infrastructure and logistics needed to handle more data on their platform.



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Written by Grace Ashiru

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