TechInAfrica – Entrepreneurs in Africa are facing the same problem when it comes to scaling their business: accessing capital and necessary skills. Therefore, the Tech Tribe Accelerator (TTA) is offering a new online training platform for thousands of African entrepreneurs. The program is scheduled to be launched at the SA Innovation Summit taken place on September 13, 2019.
The program seeks applications from across SADC with the first intake focusing on startups from Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. The main purpose of the program is to post-revenue tech and IP-driven impact ventures from a wide range of sectors.
Speaking on the upcoming program, TechTribe Accelerator’s Project Manager, Buntu Majaja said: “In January 2020, at least 100 ventures will join the 7-month acceleration cohort with the top 30 being awarded virtual mentorship by regional experts.”

In addition to the statement, NEPAD SANBio’s Network Manager, Ereck Chakauya, commented: “Innovation happens everywhere, and the major issue African entrepreneurs face is the lack of quality education, acceleration services, and access to networks in cities, towns, and villages outside of the major tech hubs throughout the SADC region.”
The TTA program is seeking to:
- Train hundreds of ventures and make them investment ready through online learning management as well as mentorship which can be applied anywhere in Africa
- Provide a closed online social network to entrepreneurs
- Give access to grants, debt, and equity investors via online and live deal rooms
- Work with other ecosystem players on the continent, including universities, hubs, and accelerators

“The TTA is the first real attempt to educate, accelerate and connect SADC based impact and tech entrepreneurs regionally, and develop a digital-enabled tribe,” The Chair of the SA Innovation Summit, Audrey Verhaeghe explained.
The program is funded by the SAIS2 (South African Innovation Support) Program as well as a collaboration with Impact Amplifier, MHub Malawi, SA Innovation Summit, and NEPAD’s Southern African Network for Biosciences (SANBio).
For further information about TTA, please visit