
Amma Gyampo to Moderate of a Panel of Agri-Tech Entrepreneurs in Ghana

Amma Gyampo is the CEO of AmDeCo, a platform that deals with a group of business development, coaching, and advisory she is also a profound consultant. AmDeco CEO nicknamed “The MatchMaker” had the privilege of chairing Tech in Ghana Conference (TIGC) held from 21st to 22nd November 2017 at the Accra Digital Center in Ghana. At the conference, Amma had the privilege of sharing her view on West African’s technology entrepreneurship ecosystem. The conference was attended by the Ghanaian both minister and assistant minister for communication.

Gyampo is passionate when it comes to supporting African Agribusiness and technology innovators who are working in helping Africans solve their problems. She has 15 years in executing, consulting and managing projects with West Africa and European entrepreneurs, government organizations and technology firms like Blackberry and Vodafone. The main point of focus for Gympo is making sure that the African investment opportunities at their earlier stage are exposed to the global world as faster as it can.

AmDeCo has been in a position to fund, develop, advice and manage businesses both in Ghana and Nigeria. In their support to businesses through shipping startup, the businesses have benefited from Microsoft sales. The businesses have been able to receive funding and technical advice from Tim Draper of Draper Darkflow and Zero Gravity from Europe.

Malcon Foods Company has dramatically benefited from AmDeco by getting advice and support which helped them to get loans to assit them in the production of their goods. The partnership between AmDeco and Startup firm located in the United Kingdom lead the company in entering the Ghanaian marked and helped several entrepreneurs with funding and technical advice.

Gyampo and her company are thrilled to see Africa growing economically through technology innovation. She is always happy to see young African entrepreneurs on the business global map

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Written by Kevin Nyango

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