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Why Businesses Need to Invest More in Africa’s Tech Industry

TechInAfrica — Compared to the other parts of the world, Africa has been adopting technology slower. However, the continent has made a lot of advances in the last few years. Africa is now considered by investors as a potential prospect to develop.

With more than 400 tech hubs that varied from software engineering to mobile money to blockchain technology, Africa’s tech industry is growing rapidly. Currently, in the continent, over 225 million mobile phones exist, people use drones to deliver small packages, and renewable sources of energy are offered to African families because it is a convenient and affordable solution for energy creating.

The fast-growing in the youth population is bringing Africa into developments. Young people are provided by various sources of career and education opportunities such as African Code Week for teachers and young students, MiSK Growth Accelerator program, Young Africa Works, a startup initiative focusing on funding and productivity improvement, and many more.

Other than that, more presence of major tech companies has been targeting Africa for investments, such as Google, IBM, and Microsoft. Huawei Technologies, a Chinese mobile phone company, and SAP, a German software development group, have also entered the tech industry market.

The advancement of technology will also bring the topic of ‘gaps’ and ‘deficits’ people are conversing about to decrease. The quality of life will improve through innovations in numerous fields.

Technology has been resolving immense issues around society. From medical to sports to communication forms, security, and even in education, innovative technology has brought advantages to many people. It is increasing the speed of time and influencing how we value our habits and thinking process.

This is why more businesses should invest there. Africa is a region that is growing at a fast pace and improving its challenges in a society constantly. The investment inflows will offer many solutions to Africa’s economy that in turn will increase economic development. Ultimately, this will change the livelihood of the people for a better living in Africa.


What do you think?

Written by Nadya Eka Lestari

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