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Egypt ICT Minister announces the winners of the African App Launchpad Cup 2021

The African App Launchpad initiative was launched in November 2018 by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi


Egypt’s ICT Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat through a videoconference announced the results of the third and final edition of the African App Launchpad (AAL) Cup 2021 competition by ITIDA and implemented by TIEC and IBM.

The African App Launchpad initiative was launched in November 2018 by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi during the World Youth Forum in Sharm El Sheikh. This initiative works to build the capacities of 10,000 Egypt and Africa youth while supporting the establishment of 100 African startups specialized in app and game development.

The initiative also looks to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in a manner that creates job opportunities while stimulating economic growth. AAL is working to bring African youth together under the umbrella of Egypt and develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing the development and prosperity goals in Africa.

The ICT Minister reviewed the outcomes of AAL as training about 10,000 young people, students, and graduates. The group completed 27,377 training courses from 30 technological tracks and specializations while helping support 100 startups.

ITIDA CEO Amr Mahfouz pointed out that the competition features two tracks: Game and App Development. He mentioned that 245 startups across 16 African countries applied to participate in the final version of the competition.

Talaat revealed that AAL aimed to share capacity-building programs in digital app and game development with other African countries. This helps create job and business opportunities for Africa’s youth by supporting the establishment of startups while rebuilding educational networks in modern technologies to serve as platforms of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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