
The Five Main Technology Predictions In 2018


Metadata aims at making possible for data to protect, analyze transport, and categorize itself independently. The flow between data, applications and storage elements will be recorded in real time as the data delivers the exact information a user needs and the exact time they need it. This also introduces the ability for data to be independent. The data itself will determine who has the right to access, share and use it, which could have a wider impact on external data sovereignty, privacy, governance and protection. Here are the five technology data predictions in 2018.

Data will rely on itself

In case one is involved in a car accident; some people will require data for assistance. For instance, an insurance company must have the data to see if it can compensate or not while the manufacturer will need the data to determine the efficiency of various mechanical systems. Once the data is self-aware, it can control who can retrieve it and at what time. This will reduce time wasted in the getting of information.

Virtual machines changes to rideshare

Virtual machines will make data management more accurate and cheaper on web-scale infrastructure compared to real machines. The option of buying a vehicle greatly depends on the intended purpose. A person who wants to transport heavy loads cannot buy a saloon car rather he will buy a truck. The same concept is used in the virtual machines versus physical machines. Despite the fact that the custom hardware is much expensive it’s advisable to invest in a physical machine. The virtual machine recommended for leasing; users are in apposition to get the machine without necessarily owning or knowing many details about it.

The ability to transport data will be lower compared to its growth

It’s true that the data production is unpredictable and increasingly dynamic and that will overtake the ability to transport it. However, the applications and resources needed to process data will move to the data rather than moving the data, and that has implications for new architectures like core, cloud and edge. In the coming days, the amount of data directed in the core will be less than the amount generated at the edge. It must be enabled very deliberately to ensure that the right data is retained for later decision making.

Moving from Big to Huge data will call for new solid state-driven manpower

The increasing demand for analyses huge set of data calls for relocating the data close to the computer. The ability of the memory to be persistent is what will determine if the data will be lost or not. The demand will, therefore, call for the architectures to change and create new data-driven opportunities for businesses as this is the priority. Flash technology frequently talked about in the industry. However, the software being run on it didn’t change, and it just increased the speed.

Coming up with decentralized immutable ways for managing data

Mechanisms to manage data in immutable, trustworthy, and truly distributed way will emerge and have a huge influence on the data centre. The blockchain is an ideal example of decentralized data. Blockchain possesses a challenge to the traditional ways of data protection and management. It is quite impossible to delete or change information contained on blockchain since the data decentralized to different computers across the world.


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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on [email protected] and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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