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Xend Boost SMEs Productivity With Geena 

source: Xend

TechInAfrica – The Nigerian fintech Xend is launching Geena, a product that offers SMEs ‘smart ways to productivity’.

The Founder and CEO of Xend, Ugo Aronu says they are providing these smart methods to the businesses that need more than just productivity.

“An exclusive market survey was done in the process of developing Geena,” Aronu explains.

“Our focus was on retailers because they constitute the major percentage of business owners who are challenged with product and financial management.”

“They (SME Owner) can carry out more tasking duties with Geena, and they do not have to keep going back to it. Geena can monitor sales, keep stock, calculate expenses, and record online orders, all the while, keeping your customers engaged,” Geena’s Growth Manager, Mercy Emannuel elaborates on the product’s capability.

Any individual or organization owning a retail business can set up their online store through the app, cost-free.

Geena has also joined Instagram, further hyping the platform’s presence in the African market scene.

Get Geena on Playstore

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Written by Nabilah Safira

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