
The 2018 IT Expectations in South Africa

Artificial intelligence, adaptive Security, South Africa

One is in a position to foresee the coming of global IT revolution in the subsequent year. Any current year has a big role to play in the future technology world. Technology is not something that one wakes up from the sleep and start it up. It requires time to come up with ideas and put them into practice. The year 2018 is not different from others. Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) surely changes global business. The value of Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain will fully be realized in 2018. however, there is uncertainty that South Africa will be slower than the other part of the world in absorbing the trend.

AI is being welcomed by the whole world, but the country is still repulsive to it. A good number of organizations are embracing the use of AI. They are banking on it to change how their activities are run. AI will have an impact on the prosperity of sales and marketing methods and interface development deployed by the users. This is only if it combines with the application and analytical developments. The development of IoT depends on AI. People are on the verge of teaching collaborating intelligence into their workplace. The number of devices that rely on AI will go up. Better insight and improved interaction among individuals and their tech surrounding are important.

Up taking of the Digital Twin technology in the country is expected to be slow. But it will go up in the coming a few years especially in partnership with IoT. Adaptive Security is the tech trend that is important to the country’s market. This came after its listing contrary to the scenery of the withstanding Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Act. There are a high number of reported cyber-attacks and security threats. The coming of PoPI brings more threat to the risk department and IT security apart from the whole business.

There will be a call to have new flexible security technologies and methods. The suitable securing technology combined with DevOps and infrastructure engineering is important. This is because it will help business to fight against threats. Many South African organizations are moving their affairs to the cloud. The developments are important to the locals.

The Blockchain was the talk of the day in most of 2017. The year 2018 will see a large number of Blockchain together with AI. Big projects connected to Blockchain will advance into Proof of Concepts. This will make it become a real, tangible and integrated part of the African scenery. The influence is expected to be quite high. The digital revolution has been there, but organizations will be sourcing for safer ways. The ways will help them to withstand the stiff competition.

There will be a high number of partnerships and distribution of technology in the whole value of the chain of business. More embassies will be directed to the integration of IoT and AI. Businesses that have tried out IoT and AI stand a high chance of success.  But this is the ripe time to carry out the case study on technology. Business should study ways through which technology will influence their businesses.


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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on [email protected] and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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