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7 tech startups receive funding from the $12M Jua kickstarter fund

Winners Jua Fund

The Pan African focussed Jua Fund has awarded seven African tech startups with its $2 million funds, which will be accompanied by advice and mentorship. Jua Kickstarter fund gives entrepreneurs start-up capital to grow their futures.

Among the startups shortlisted for its inaugural fund are three Kenyan enterprises, two from Nigeria, one each from Madagascar and Zimbabwe. The deals were arrived at shortly after the Kickstarter Olympics that ran for a week where high panel judges listened to ideas.


Xetova – digital procurement ecosystem platform.

SIDE – e-commerce distribution channel

GrowAgric – a crowd-farming platform


Bryte-Knowledge – an online educational platform


Powerstove energy – IoT System for real-time monitoring.

Whispa Health limited – app providing young people with non-judgemental access to sexual and reproductive health information.


Jirogasy – manufacturer, assembly, and design of home solar and communication systems.

The fund was launched by Industrialist Adam Molai in 2020 and recently received a pledge from  Simba Global Start-ups (a US-based mentorship and angel investing firm) doubling its size to $2million to become Africa’s largest individually backed capital venture fund.

The panelist judges can be found here.

Note: Jua the Swahili word for “the Sun”

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