TechInAfrica – Technology could be a potential solution in creating a sustainable future by implementing them in various aspects—with its goal to empower the public in general. One of the referred implementations is practiced via startups that work in the field of social green tech. Positive impact financing, credible and accountable entrepreneurship, proper education, as well as sustainable agriculture and food security are the terms that define such discipline.

Bidaya, a support program—an ‘incubator’—of Morocco’s Social Green Tech, has incubated over than forty startups of various scales and extents with substantial impacts on the citizens in general—and on the environment as a whole. These incubations are facilitated by a number of workshops, coachings, practices, along with appropriate business and tech-related events. Bidaya belongs to the international network of incubators GROUPE SOS Pulse, and has been running since 2015 with their first movements in Casablanca. Their line of work is motivated by the need to build innovative business models to meet social and environmental challenges.
Sarah Diouri—director of Bidaya incubator—and her team works for high-impact entrepreneurship across 4 business areas:
- Bidaya Incub, the general support program for startup companies in their seed phase, which lasts for 12 months. This plan covers the essentials for startups to get up on their own feet, including business model introductions and concept prototyping. You can learn more about this program here.
- Bidaya Funds, the support program for startups that have already concepted their ideas and ready to market them to the public, which lasts for 2 to 4 months. This plan covers with business strategies to secure deals, make investments, and work on funds so that the startups are ready to present to potential stakeholders. You can learn more about this program here.
- Bidaya Space, the support program to promote high-impact entrepreneurship among the citizens of Morocco. Its goal is to encourage startups to collaborate and contribute in Moroccan entrepreneurial ecosystems, as well as implementing communication through contemporary social networks and traditional media. You can learn more about this program here.
- Bidaya Lab, the support program designed to promote Bidaya’s expertise through consulting missions, project developments, together with partnership agreements. Based on Bidaya’s 3 years and GROUPE SOS Pulse’s 30 years of expertise respectively, this program emphasizes feasibility study, event organizing, and visualizing workspaces. You can read more about this program here.

Bidaya, on their official YouTube channel, has done several exciting videos like post-it interviews and the infamous mannequin challenge. You can check out their latest post-it interview below:
Morocco, having ranked first by terms of technology development in continent (as revealed by Les Inspirations Eco), has substantial potential to put their advancement into good use. This, in return, could lead to technological solutions for a number of social challenges in the country—or even, in Africa. Turns out, the non-government organization Tech for Good is what motivated Morocco to grow their technical knowledge to serve the greater good—almost as if they’re the new superheroes of Africa’s tech scene!
For more information regarding Bidaya and its various startup partners, you can visit their website and scroll to the bottom of the page.