
Getitonline Introduces E-commerce Platform Beneficial to Vendors

The newly introduced e-commerce platform will allow sellers to own an online store

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses can still function. Products can be display online and delivered to buyers’ doorsteps. Again, having an online store will be a vital to businesses once the global pandemic ends. And as for businesses in Zambia, now is the right time to use Getitonline’s new platform.

Getitonline is offering vendors the opportunity to own a store online. It is calling all vendors within and outside Zambia to take advantage of its ever-increasing visitors.

According to Getitonline’s CEO, Malukutu Andie, “we spotted the gap in the e-commerce industry and decided to act. We found that people moved to and fro SA to sell and purchase various items. So, we have decided to cement that gap. We want to help people outside the country to sell their products online. We believe sellers who take advantage of our online storefront will benefit from our exposure.

Getitonline, according to the startup’s CEO, is a self-funded business. However, its doors are wide open to investors to enable the company to grow bigger.

Malukutu Andie also stated that since the startup is self-funded, the company is facing challenges in reaching out to a broader audience. He said Getitonline is finding it hard to educate the populace on its technology and how they can tap from it to improve their lives and businesses.

Products Getitonline Supports

Getitonline is a new startup seeking to expand. The company is currently focusing on electronics and cosmetics. However, once it secures its warehouse, more products will be introduced, and deliveries will become more efficient.

What do you think?

Written by Otega O

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