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Ten FinTech startups unveiled for the sophomore cohort of FinTech4U Accelerator programme


The sophomore cohort of the FinTech4U Accelerator Programme has been announced. The names of the 10 startups are finally out. After a rigorous selection and interview process, an introductory session was held in September.

Just like the first cohort, this group of brilliant innovators will commit to the three months FinTech Accelerator Programme. Here they will receive technical assistance and support from UNCDF, BongoHive, and other regulators like Bank of Zambia, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), and Zambia Information Technology and Communication Authority. As with the earlier programme, the schedule will culminate in a demo day where the entrepreneurs pitch in front of a judging panel. The top 3 startups that emerge from the programme will receive a $5000 sum to improve their offering across Zambia and beyond.

Here are the startups that will take place in the second cohort.

Onyx Connect Zambia Limited – pay-as-you-go scheme targeting low-income earners with purchase options for solar lights, bicycles, and smartphones.

Moti Solutions for Africa  – digital group savings and lending products aiming to simplify financial access via financial inclusion and literacy.

Paykesho – electronic wallet helping customers pay for their goods and services via smartphone.

Progtech Zambia – Loan-based management platform that is cloud-based and targets micro/small lenders via automation.

Soqo Payments – payments platform

DV Technology Innovations Ltd – Tech solutions platform for banks, insurance, and travel companies.

AlomoSystems – money lending business management platform

Premier Credit – offers access to credit

VillageSavers Technologies Ltd – helps village banking groups digitize through automated digital systems.

Ekamo Wallet – digitally shared market platform.

Here a few statements shared during the launch of the sophomore cohort.

This opportunity speaks to entrepreneurs that seek to leverage technology that meet demands and involves people previously excluded from using these services. In FinTech4U, we ask the entrepreneurs to think around leveraging financial services to make sure that every Zambian does have access to financial services,” said Simunza Muyangana, BongoHive’s co-founder and Director of entrepreneurship.

“For the FinTechs joining the programme is an opportunity that ensures their services are prepared to thrive during the digital era and meet the needs of under-served Zambians,” said Brian Katimbo the UNCDF Data and Human Centred Design Specialist.

Other participants during the online launch were Brad McGrath, a co-founder at Zoona. He shared his experiences with the entrepreneurs encouraging them to fully exploit the training, mentorship, and support offered in the programme.

What do you think?

Written by Tech in Africa

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