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MojaAccess  and FirstWave Partners for Opt-Out Service

TechInAfrica – The Australian-based company FirstWave has recently signed a 3-year Level 1 Partner Agreement with Kenya-based Moja Access.

The partnership between the cyber security-as-a-service company and the pan-African and CSquared-owned infrastructure company will offer customers an opt-out service.

The agreement lasts for a 3-year term with a rolling 6-month extension option.

FirstWave began the agreement with the FirstCloud™ WebProtect DNS platform launch to CSquared’s operating companies and Level 2 Partners.

The opt-out service allows customers to opt-out if they don’t want to use the service.

“We are very excited to have signed this partnership with FirstWave. Our clients, including Telcos and Internet Service Providers, will benefit from FirstWave’s differentiated SaaS products. It will allow us to rapidly deploy and sell on consumption based monthly pricing model, enterprise grade cybersecurity services to all our clients and their end-customers, large and small,” Group CEO of Csquared Lanre Kolade commented.

“I’m delighted to welcome CSquared Group’s Moja Access as our 8 th Level 1 partner and see initial revenues already flowing from the partnership,” FirstWave CEO Neil Pollock said.

“CSquared is a fast-growing pan-African service provider backed by two large global corporations Google LLC and Mitsui & Co. CSquared already delivers robust fiber connectivity and internet access to thousands of end-customers via its 40+ mobile operator and ISP clients. With revenues already delivered, the partnership has had a really positive start.”


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Written by Nabilah Safira

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