TechInAfrica – Many decades after being unused, explosive remnants of war (and military training) still pose a serious threat to their surroundings. By ‘serious’, we mean that 80% of the overall casualties are innocent civilians. Skymotion Solutions, a South Africa-based technology firm, recently had developed a new type of drone that can provide mapping and detection regarding such unexploded ordnances (UXOs). Boasting zero surface contact with the hazardous areas, Skymotion’s unmanned drones are able to move faster without having any direct intervention by human beings, reducing the risk of injury.
Using the newly-augmented multirotor UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), Skymotion aims to implement the mapping and detection methods towards the very little flight time of multirotor UAVs—while the detection process would potentially take longer than initially planned. As such, tweaks like radar systems would also appear as a hindrance towards the prototype because it requires regular battery replacements. Whilst in their iteration phase, the company is researching lightweight radar systems to better suit the drones.

Skymotion is also looking to partner with legal, licensed handlers of landmines to engage in their first collaborative tests. Kobus Du Plessis, director of Skymotion Solutions, professed, “Our current radar system is similar in nature; however, a different make. We would like to test our existing technology before having to invest in new equipment.”
In addition, Du Plessis also spoke that the company will absolutely consider military application to further reduce the casualties, save lives, and prevent injuries in the future. Yet before it’s feasible enough for military use, numerous tests and adjustments would have to take place to ensure effectivity and efficiency. If this notion goes with minimal difficulties, war-stricken countries like Iraq and Afghanistan will be able to benefit from this technology—accompanied by the support of the United Nations or other humanitarian organizations.